Things done during lockdown

1:Make money

9 to 5 jobs

Lot of companies and businesses cut jobs due to this critical times caused by this pandemic, some are still on duty though in many countries they should use masks.

Blog on youtube

Many people make short videos of themselves and post them on Youtube , and other platforms. And they get paid the more people watch them bacause the platforms attach advertisements clips to them.


A way many people earn a living by freelancing including me writing this web page. Freelancing is working for yourself by providing services people need for e.g many companies need a translator, illustrator, graphic desighner etc

Start business

Find what people can need during this lockdown e.g people need face masks, though many people have started this kind of business but is different to the designs you have.

2:Advance knowlegde

Enrolement to online courses

There many online courses, some are free. e.g enrol graphic design,illustutor,poetry etc

Read a book

Online books to be purchased at or visit local libraries and borrow a from a friend

Learn about talent

Learning about other people's talents can be helpful to advancing knowlegde or find out o what are you talented in and get more infor from others who are talented


Education is always open so revising last studies can be helpful



sleeping is healthy because it strenghens immune system which that can be helpful to fighting corona virus and other diseases


Cooking can be therapeutic espesially during this stressful times

Watch TV

Get the lates info from news and learn how others are making their money :)

Browse internet

Search what you can do during lockdown and many more of time wasting ;)